Jim Sestito
2 min readJan 5, 2021


I came to Medium wanting to write about self improvement for a bigger audience. Now I just want to write articles poking fun at the entire genre.

Most anything I’ve done in my life worth a damn has many someone’s to thank. To borrow a line I’ve seen in 147,892 Medium articles I’m a “lifelong learner.”

I like to dive deep into the information and documentation of those teaching and preaching about the areas of life I am doing.

I’ve found mentors in people I’ve never met thanks to blogging and YouTube. Personal finance, fitness, health, nutrition, career, love, you name it.

If I try to do it, and there’s someone who’s really good at doing it and talks about doing it, I’m going to consume their talking about doing it.

But what happens when everyone starts to become the expert? Maybe that’s where I began to stop taking self improvement seriously on Medium. Perhaps there’s so many people teaching so many things that I just don’t believe them.

Maybe they heard the same stuff I did from these doers and are simply regurgitating it.

Maybe I’m defensive and sarcastic because I don’t think they’re doers but rather sayers.

I could very well be making fun of Medium as a defense mechanism for not being accepted by Medium.

When I signed up I was like hell yeah these are my people. But now I’m not so sure. It’s a bit more self absorbed then I expected. But then again anyone who pens a peice of literature and expects many stranger to read it and like it has at least a touch of ego.

Does one need to able to do to teach? Perhaps not. Do you need to be Stephen King to share with people your Five Step Morning Routine For Your Best Day? Again no you don’t.

What one must have when they write self improvement is a desire to give. If your writing about it we need to believe you have a high level of knowledge in this area and you now want nothing more than to share it. Not to write to prove your awesome. Coaches, teachers, mentors must rid themselves of ego and emerge themselves in the success of their pupils.

If I believe you self improvement writer that you really know how and want me the reader to improve then well then I promise to play nice in the comments and continuously clap.



Jim Sestito

Building railroads by day. Teaching and writing about life and finance by night.